中文关键词:  单独二孩政策  初产妇  分娩意向  自然分娩  剖宫产
英文关键词:two-child policy  primiparae  intention to mode of delivery  vaginal birth  cesarean section
杨燕勤 复旦大学附属华山医院北院 marymary1818@163.com 
顾春怡* 复旦大学附属妇产科医院 yiranspring@126.com 
肖晓晨 复旦大学附属妇产科医院  
张玉 复旦大学附属妇产科医院  
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      目的:了解单独二孩政策下上海市初产妇分娩意向的现状,并分析分娩意向的影响因素。方法:采用方便抽样法,抽取上海市某三级甲等专科医院产检的无剖宫产指征的初产妇330例为研究对象。结果:330例无剖宫产指征的初产妇中,260例(78.2%)分娩意向为自然分娩,70例(21.2%)为剖宫产;142例(43.0%)初产妇计划生育1个孩子,111例(33.7%)计划生育2个及以上孩子,77例(23.3%)尚无计划。生育计划和分娩意向呈相关 (r=-0.312, P<0.05),即计划生育2个及以上孩子的初产妇与计划只生育1个孩子的初产妇相比,更倾向于自然分娩。年龄、户籍、自身教育程度、丈夫教育程度、自身职业、丈夫职业对初产妇的分娩意向产生影响,均(P<0.05)差别有统计学意义。结论:初产妇分娩意向的选择受到生育计划、年龄、户籍、自身教育程度、丈夫教育程度、自身职业、丈夫职业的影响。而在单独二孩政策下,生育计划成为初产妇分娩意向较为突出的影响因素。随着计划生育二孩的家庭比例的增加,生育需求也势必随之增长,应加强妇幼卫生体系人力资源配置,以促进自然分娩,保障母婴健康。
      Objective: to explore the situation of low-risk nulliparous women’s preference for mode of delivery for their first childbirth and to analyze the factors under the Two-Child Policy in Shanghai. Methods: Totally, 330 nulliparous women without indications for caesarean delivery were chosen from the hospital through non-probability sampling and were investigated with questionnaires. Results: Totally, 260 nulliparous women had intended to have vaginal delivery and 70 had planned to have Cesarean section; 142 planned to give birth to one child and 111 planned to give birth to two or more children and the rest 77 had no plan now. Women’s intention to mode of delivery was correlated to their planned parenthood (r=-0.312, P<0.01).Their intention to mode of delivery was affected by their planned parenthood, ages, household registration, educational levels of their own, educational levels of their husbands, careers of their own and careers of their husbands. All (P<0.05) show statistical significance. Conclusion: Nulliparous women’s intention to mode of delivery is influenced by their parenthood, ages, household registration, educational levels of their own, educational levels of their husbands, careers of their own and careers of their husbands. Especially, planned parenthood was one of the most important factors of nulliparous women’s intention to mode of delivery. With the families planning to have more than one child are increasing, more children will be born. Therefore, we should optimize the human resource of mother and child health care system and promote vaginal delivery for maternal and child health.
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