中文关键词:  儿童  心脏骤停,早期预警评分,先心病
英文关键词:Children  cardiac arrest  early warning score  Congenital heart disease
顾晓蓉 上海儿童医学中心 上海交通大学医学院附属上海儿童医学中心 18930830778@189.cn 
管咏梅* 上海交通大学医学院附属上海儿童医学中心 gymscmc@163.com 
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      摘要: 目的 探讨C-CHEWS早期预警评分系统在胸外科病房运用及效果。方法 对7506例先心病患儿进行评估,根据评分结果采用危重患儿颜色识别系统并给予相应的处理流程。结果 40例评分≥5分的患儿入CICU,其中14例患儿启动了应急系统,这14例患儿死亡率高达20%。结论 早期预警评分能预测转入ICU率,能及时筛查出预后不良的患儿,做到早期识别和早期治疗,能预防儿童心脏骤停的发生。配合建立颜色识别系统,建立操作流程。为医护准确沟通病情提供依据,护士不再机械地执行医嘱,而是有目的、有预见性的进行护理,提高医生对护理人员配合的满意度。
      Abstract: Object To explore the applications and results of C-CHEWS early warning score system in cardiac-thoracic ward. Methods 7506 children with congenital cardiac diseases were evaluated. A colored identification system for critical patients was introduced and corresponding treatment steps were followed according to the assessment results. Results 40 patients scored more than 5 were transferred into ICU, with 14 patients triggered emergency system, and the mortality was as high as 20%. Conclusions Early warning system could predict the risks of transferring to ICU, immediately find out the patients who probably have bad prognosis, provide early detection and early treatment to prevent the occurrences of sudden cardiac arrest. Coordinated with colored identification system, this early warning system could conduct to set up a operating process, provide evidences for accurate communications of patient`s condition between nurses and doctors, and nurses could carry out their nursing procedures with strong points and foreseeing. rather than formality, which was also helpful to increase the satisfaction of doctors for the coordination of nursing staff.
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