中文关键词:  护理工作  同情疲乏  扎根理论
英文关键词:nurses’ position, grounded theory, compassion fatigue
孙焱 上海交通大学附属第一人民医院 骨科 上海 200080 64237734@qq.com 
徐菁 上海交通大学附属第一人民医院 骨科 上海 200080  
梅丽 上海交通大学附属第一人民医院 骨科 上海 200080  
施牡丹 上海交通大学附属第一人民医院 骨科 上海 200080  
周伟兰 上海交通大学附属第一人民医院 骨科 上海 200080  
赵莺飞 上海交通大学附属第一人民医院 骨科 上海 200080  
张国风** 上海交通大学附属第一人民医院 骨科 上海 200080 zhangguofeng123@yeah.net 
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      目的:明确护理工作实践中,同情疲乏发生发展的关键因素,以提高护理人员的职业满意度,维护和谐的护患关系。 方法:对11位不同专业的注册护士进行半封闭式访谈,随后运用扎根理论分析归纳,提炼影响护士满意度和导致同情疲劳的关键关联因素。 结果:运用扎根理论得出以下结论:现阶段护士所承担的多重角色已经使其不堪重负。“自我感知与自我调整”和“自我实现与经济回馈”的良性发展是提高自身职业满意度和避免同情疲乏的关键作用点。要避免自身难以从工作中抽离,也需要平衡家庭与工作。 结论:上述访谈形成结果支持认为现今护士亟需减压,这样的结果也为今后护理职业教育和护理管理提供了事实的依据。
      Objectives: To identify the factors that could affect nurses’ clinical practices and perceived roles, and the methods which could improve nurses’ job satisfaction and refrain from compassion fatigue. Methods: A grounded theory approach was used to identify emerging themes in nurses’ accounts of their caregiving roles. Open-ended interviews were conducted with nurses (n = 11) Interviews focused on beliefs of how to provide care, perceived caregiving responsibilities. Results: Emerging from the data showed that nurses were out of burdens. The concepts of monitoring and patient advocacy appeared to be key components in reported satisfaction or alienation. Discrepancies were found between care expectations outlined by management and nurses’ perceptions of care provision. Additionally, there was another emerging diploma that nurses met difficulties in balancing the role between work and family. Conclusions: These findings told us that nurses needed to relieved from the burdens which they were facing and also have implications for training programmes, hospital management, which could improve the harmony between nurses and patients.
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