中文关键词:  老年慢性疾病  护理需求
英文关键词:chronic senile diseases  nursing needs
王建芳 上海市嘉定区真新社区卫生服务中心 jianfang_wang62@hotmail.com 
周建红 上海市嘉定区真新社区卫生服务中心  
金赟珠 上海市嘉定区真新社区卫生服务中心 jinyunzhujyz@126.com 
强凤芬* 真新社区卫生服务中心 1765980012@QQ.com 
马修强 第二军医大学统计学教研室  
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      目的 探讨老年慢性病出院患者的护理需求及影响因素,为制订针对性的出院指导提供依据。方法 采用老年慢性病患者护理需求调查问卷对232例出院老年慢性病患者进行调查,了解老年慢性病出院患者护理需求状况。结果 在20项护理需求项目中排在前5位的分别是出现紧急情况时医护人员的救护、定期提供体检、安全用药指导、上门提供护理及慢性病的长期护理。经单因素分析,年龄、有无配偶、文化程度、体育活动频率与护理需求总分在统计学上有差异(P<0.05),高龄、无配偶、小学及以下程度老人和大专及以上老人、从不参加体育活动者其护理需求总分最高。经多重线性回归分析,影响老年慢性病出院患者的护理需求的主要因素有年龄、文化程度、独居与否、参加体育活动、疾病对日常生活影响、有无后遗症以及首要住院原因(高血压)(p<0.05)。结论老年慢性病出院患者的护理需求是多方面的,护士在实施出院护理时,重点应关注患者不同护理需求,特别是高龄、无配偶、独居的患者,并有针对性地做好出院指导,满足老年慢性病患者的护理需求。
      Objective To investigate the nursing needs in the discharged elderly patients with chronic diseases and its influencing factors so as to provide them with corresponding discharge instructions.Methods 232 elderly patients with chronic diseases discharged involved the investigation by a questionnaire on the nursing needs including disease nursing,prevention and health promotion.Results The top 5 nursing needs were cares provided by the physician and nurses in case of emergency,regular physical examinations,instructions for medicine-taking safety,home care,and long-term nursing of chronic diseases.By the single factor analysis, the nursing needs were influenced by the following factors: age, presence of a spouse, cultural degree, frequency of physical activity (P < 0.05) .The multivariate statistical analysis showed that the nursing needs were mainly influenced by age, cultural degree, living alone or not, frequency of physical activity, disease degree,sequelae and the primary cause of hospitalization (hypertension).Conclusion The elderly patients with chronic diseases have diverse nursing needs after discharge.Nurses should attach importance to those patients with aging,no spouse,and those needing post-discharge care.
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