中文关键词:  PICC置管患者,社区医疗机构,导管维护,调查研究
英文关键词:PICC catheter  Community medical institution  Investigation
闵铜新* 复旦大学附属华山医院 405226126@qq.com 
陈微 复旦大学附属华山医院  
摘要点击次数: 3016
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      【】 目的 通过调查PICC置管患者出院后的维护需求,经过PICC专业人员培训,使社区医疗机构护理人员可协助进行置管维护。方法 出院时向患者或及家属发放PICC置管使用和维护手册,进行健康教育,嘱咐患者要按时进行维护,维护时带好维护手册可至居家附近的医疗机构进行维护。在患者返院时向患者及家属询问了解当地社区医疗机构对PICC维护的情况。结果 上海地区的社区医疗机构均无法协助完成PICC的维护工作,患者只好舍近求远去二三级医院进行维护。甚至有些家属擅自为患者进行维护,导致导管局部感染、导管堵塞、导管脱出等后果,PICC出院后的延续护理存在隐患。
      Objective Investigate the maintenance of PICC in patients after discharge, after PICC professional training, so that the community health care institutions can assist in the maintenance of tube maintenance.Method Discharge to the patients and their families distributed peripherally inserted central catheter (PICC) use and maintenance manual, health education, asked the patients to on time for maintenance, the maintenance with maintenance manual to home in the vicinity of the medical institutions to carry out maintenance. When patients return to the hospital to understand the situation of local community health care institutions for PICC maintenance. Result Community medical institutions in Shanghai are unable to assist in the maintenance of the completion of the PICC, the patient had to give up nearly two or three hospitals for maintenance. Even some families of unauthorized for patients with maintenance, lead to local catheter, infection, catheter blockage, catheter extrusion and other consequences, PICC after discharge the continue nursing risks exist.
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