Research on the elderly home care catheter catheterization patient's family situation(Shanghai pudong new area gongli hospital ,Shanghai 200135,China)ZHANG Pei-wen ,WEI Ting-ting , WANG Fei , WANG Yan-mei , ZHANG Yong , LIU Shuang , ZHANG Yue-min
中文关键词:  留置导尿  导管  家庭护理  老年人
英文关键词:Catheterization  catheter  home care  elderly
卫婷婷 上海市浦东新区公利医院 上海 200135 wangfei072180@126.com 
张佩雯* 上海市浦东新区公利医院 上海 200135  
王斐 上海市浦东新区公利医院 上海 200135 wangfei072180@126.com 
王艳梅 上海市浦东新区公利医院 上海 200135  
张勇 上海市浦东新区公利医院 上海 200135  
刘爽 上海市浦东新区公利医院 上海 200135  
张悦敏 上海市浦东新区公利医院 上海 200135  
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      目的 通过调查了解目前调查区域居家老年留置导尿患者家庭导管护理现况,分析存在的问题,为构建居家老年留置导尿患者家庭导管护理方案,及进一步开展社区及家庭留置导尿护理提供参考。方法 采用问卷调查法,对118例居家老年留置导尿患者及其照护者进行问卷调查。结果 调查显示目前调查地区的留置导尿老年人多为高龄且居家老人,留置导尿的原因主要是尿失禁及尿道梗阻,多数老年人留置尿管时间在1年以上,导管护理主要在家进行,多数患者缺乏留置导尿护理相关知识及正确的护理操作技能,不进行常规感染监测,同时又缺乏获得相关健康教育的渠道,多数患者目前存在的首要困难为就医不便及居家无人护理,就近进行医院护理的需求大。结论 应联合社区开展留置导尿延续护理服务,进一步规范留置导尿健康教育,以提高居家留置导尿患者的护理服务质量。
      Objective Through the investigation to understand the current survey area nursing home elderly indwelling catheter family status catheterization patients, analysis of existing problems, to build a family home in elderly patients with indwelling catheterization catheter care programs, and further development of community and home care providers catheterization reference. Methods A questionnaire survey of 118 cases of elderly home catheterization patients and their caregivers questionnaire. Results Survey results show currently catheterization older areas surveyed, mostly elderly and the elderly at home, the main reason is that catheterization urinary incontinence and urethral obstruction, most elderly indwelling catheter time in more than a year, the main catheter care at home, most patients lack catheterization nursing knowledge and proper nursing skills, not routine infection surveillance, and a lack of access to relevant health education channels, the primary difficulty most patients seek medical treatment currently exists for the inconvenience and no nursing home, be near Great demand for hospital care. Conclusions should join communities catheterization extended care services, to further standardize the catheterization health education to improve home quality of care of patients with indwelling catheterization service.
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