中文关键词:  患者陪护人员、跌倒认知、护理干预
英文关键词:Patients  with attendants, Fall  cognitive, Nursing  intervention.
益伟清* 上海市第八人民医院护理部 13651640738@139.com 
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      目的 住院患者发生跌倒由多种原因导致,其中护理人员和家属保姆等陪护人员的认知是否正确,是否及时采取有效预防措施与跌倒发生密切相关。目前住院患者的主要陪护人员有护士、护工、患者家属和自聘保姆。方法:选择2013年在上海市第八人民医院工作的内科、外科、老年科护士113名,护工28名,家属和保姆809名,结合自行设计的调查问卷进行测评,根据结果给予相应的知识培训,干预后每隔半年进行测评一次,比较干预前后效果,为期三年。结果:干预后护士、护工、家属的知识、态度、行为认知逐步取得满意效果,合格率护士由干预前 86.88 %提高至 98.76%,护工由83.39%提高至96.89%。干预前后比差异有统计学意义(P < 0. 001)。结论 有针对性的护理干预措施能有效提高护士、护工及家属陪护者对跌倒知识、态度、行为认知,减少院内外跌倒的发生,保障护理安全。
      Objective Inpatient fall caused by a variety of reasons..Among them,nurses,health care and family members and other attendents,cognitive correctly disease is closely related to the fall happened to take effective preventive measures. Methods: Choose the eightn people’s hospital in Shanghai in 2012 work of internal medicine,surgery,the geriatric nurse,113,28care,combined with the self-designed questionnaire to measure, according to the results give corresponding knowledge training. After the intervention is evaluated once every six months,compared before and after the intervention effect for two years. Result:After the intervention nurses,health care workers, family members of the knowledge,attitudes,behabior,cognitive gradually achieved satisfactory effect.Qualified nurses by to 86.88% from 98.76% before intervention, health care workers from 83.39% to 96.89%.It was statistically significant. Conclusion:Have for nursing intervention can effectively improve the nurses,nuring wokers and their familier the escort to fall cognitive knowledge, attitude and behavior,reducing the occurrence of the fall in the hospital,guarantee nursing safety.
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