中文关键词:  低年资  助产士  培训  体验  现象学研究
英文关键词:Junior  midwife  training  experience  phenomenological research
朱春香 复旦大学附属妇产科医院 chunxiangzhu@126.com 
顾春怡* 复旦大学附属妇产科医院 yiranspring@126.com 
陶花 复旦大学附属妇产科医院  
摘要点击次数: 2005
全文下载次数: 0
      【】目的 探讨低年资助产士规范化培训的过程体验。方法 采用定性研究中的现象学研究法,以深入会谈、现场记录的形式从18名低年资助产士处收集其参加规范化培训体验的资料,对所得资料进行阅读、分析、反思、分类、提炼,最终得出主题。结果 低年资助产士培训体验的四大主题:对助产士规范化培训的认可接受度、培训收获、多重压力感以及个人应对策略。结论 低年资助产士参加在职规培过程获益的同时产生一定压力感,提示护理管理者和临床教育者在培训中应动态了解年轻助产士的培训效果和心理体验,因材施教,运用个性化培训模式完成优质的助产士培训工作,并培养一批具有良好适应力的优秀助产士。
      Objective To study the junior midwives experience in participating the standardized training. Methods Qualitative research with an in-depth interviews by using phenomenology approach to retrieve junior midwives’ experience. 18 junior midwives participated in the standardized training and their experiences were explored. The interview data was read, analyzed, and being reflected, classified, extracted to get the full understanding of the training experiences and , final theme. Results Four themes of junior midwife training experience include: fully recognize the value of standardized midwives training received fruitful information during standardized training, feeling pressure during standardized training, developing multiple and individual coping strategies. Conclusion Junior midwives in training process experienced a positive and negative experiences,these provided information for management team to understand the impact of the training of junior midwives and their psychological state during the standardized training. Providing individualized based training and meet the needs of trainees could enhance the training of junior midwives; it will also allow further expanding the training impacts and strengthening the capacity of midwives to improve the quality of obstetric care.
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