中文关键词:  ICU危重患者  院内转运  循证实践
英文关键词:critically ill patients , intra-hospital transport, evidence-based resources
王枫 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院重症医学科 wf20742@rjh.com.cn 
倪雪萍* 上海交通大学医学院附属瑞金医院护理质控办  
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      目的 结合我国和国际上的临床实践研究,收集有关如何对ICU危重患者实施院内转运的最佳证据,构建其相关护理循证的实践方案。 方法 经过检索循证资源的数据库对相关指南、系统评价、证据总结进行证据筛选,共纳入JBI证据总结2篇,采纳证据5条,经临床专家对证据进行可行性、有效性、适宜性和临床意义的判断和分析,确立指标条目。制定审查指标及数据采集方法,在临床上进行改进前后的审查,判断转运的安全和效率。 结果 多学科协作构建ICU危重患者转运的内容包括:ICU危重患者院内转运流程、转运核查表、危重患者转运的操作标准和护理质量审查标准。并实际应用于ICU危重症转运中,表现为工作人员认知行为改变,协作互动性好,不良事件发生率下降。结论 该项目实践依托于循证方法的基础,科学、严谨,强调了可操作性和安全性,为循证证据转化为临床应用提供了模板,也为护理证据与质量管理结合提供了指导。
      Objective Based on our Chinese and international clinical research, collect the evidences on how best to carry out intra-hospital transport of ICU critically ill patients, to construct the evidence-based practice on critically ill patients, intra-hospital transport. Methods Through the retrieval of evidence-based resources database and evidence extraction from the relevant guideline, systemic review and evidence summary, 2 JBI evidence summaries were included and 5 evidences were adopted. The clinical experts judged and adjusted the feasibility, validity, clinical significance and suitability of the evidence, and established the evaluating indicator system. Based on the evaluating indicator system and data extraction methods, the safety and efficiency of intra- hospital transport were assessed before and after the improvement were implemented. Results The program on critical ill patients, intra-hospital transport includes: the process of critical ill patients, intra-hospital transport, the checklist of in-hospital transport, the practice standards intra-hospital transport and the evaluation criteria on the nursing quality. Practical application of the program in ICU patients intra-hospital transport changed the cognitive behavior of clinical staff, made the collaboration and interaction better, and decrease the incidence of adverse events, Conclusion The project is based on the basis of evidence-based method, scientific and rigorous, emphasizing the feasibility and safety, providing a template for the transformation of evidence into clinical application, and also providing guidance for the combination of nursing evidence and quality management.
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