中文关键词:  脑卒中 早期识别 溶栓
英文关键词:Stroke Early recognition Thrombolysis
基金项目:上海市卫生计生系统重要薄弱学科建设项目 2015ZB0301
张秀英 复旦大学附属华山医院 ZXYready@163.com 
蒋红* 复旦大学附属华山医院 hlbjiang@126.com 
周依群 上海市静安区中心医院  
容根南 上海市华山医院宝山仁和分院  
顾建芳 上海市浦东医院  
杨波 上海市杨浦区控江医院  
益伟青 上海市第八人民医院  
摘要点击次数: 2539
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      目的 调查上海市患者及家属脑卒中早期识别与急救相关知识的知晓情况。方法 采用方便抽样的方法,借助康复助手微信公众号,对上海市6家医院共1 904名患者及其家属进行脑卒中早期识别与急救相关知识知晓情况的调查。结果 患者及家属对脑卒中识别与急救相关知识知晓率较低,其知识水平与性别、教育程度、职业和脑卒中接触史有关(P<0.001);获取脑卒中知识的途径主要为电视(53.6%)和网络(54.7%)。结论 患者及家属脑卒中后早期识别与急救相关知识的知晓率较低,在医院内即开展脑卒中早期识别与急救相关知识的健康教育势在必行,且应加强对男性和低学历者的教育。
      Objective To investigate the knowledge of patients or their families about early stroke recognition and emergency in Shang Hai.Methods A total of 1904 patients and their families from six hospitals in Shang Hai were selected by convenient sampling.With the aid of “KangFu Zhushou”WeChat official account ,people were surveyed about the the knowledge of early stroke recognition and first aid.Results Patients and their families had a low level of knowledge about stroke recognition and first aid, their knowledge level was related to sex, education level, occupation and stroke contact history(P<0.001).The main ways to gain stroke knowledge was TV (53.6%) and the Internet(54.7%). Conclusion The level of the knowledge about early stroke recognition and emergency is low.Carrying out health education about stroke early recognition and emergency is imperative, and it is suggested to strengthen the education of men, the elderly and?less-educated?people.
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