中文关键词:  助产咨询门诊  初产妇  分娩意向  分娩结局
张景* 上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院南院 1031137107@qq.com 
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      Purpose The purpose of providing an one to one outpatient of midwife is to strengthen pregnants'' understanding of pregnancy and delivery ,make clear the impact on pregnant ,baby and relevant indications for caesarean birth ,and change their choice of delivery way eventually. We observe their results and design a questionnaire to know their satisfaction after delivery. Method We conduct the research of the outpatient’s influence to the pregnants'' choice of delivery way who is the first time to deliver. The method of this research is to use the data of pregnant treated by our hospital from May 2016 to May 2017 and divide them into two teams called compared team accepting common education before delivery and consulting team accepting education according their physiology and psychology from midwife. Finally, compare two teams by relative index. Result The result of the pregnants'' delivery method has obvious difference, and has meaning in statistics. Conclusion So we can draw the conclusion of the research that an outpatient of midwife has obvious influence in choosing delivery method. In a word, the proportion of caesarean section can be reduced dramatically through a midwife''s education. By the way, pregnant will feel less pain and need less time to recover health.
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