Use of quality control circle activities on CT-guided localization with transshipment and regulation rate for lung cancer patients
中文关键词:  品管圈  术前CT定位  肺癌  转运交接  规范率
英文关键词:Quality control circle  Preoperative CT-guided localization  Lung cancer  Transshipment  Regulation rate
施玉莹 上海交通大学附属胸科医院 571021882@qq.com 
徐婷婷* 上海交通大学附属胸科医院 ttxiaomama@aliyun.com 
陈柯宇 上海交通大学护理学院  
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      Objective: To study the use of quality control circle activities on CT-guided localization with transshipment and regulation rate for lung cancer patients. Methods: Choose 218 cases with lung cancer who need surgical treatment with CT-guided localization during October 2016 to January 2017. Set the 109 cases with lung cancer patients before QCC between October 2016 to November 2016 as a control group and experimental group. Make the transshipment rules after investigating the current situation and problems between CT-guided localization in patients with lung cancer transshipment, and compare the transshipment regulation rate before and after the QCC. Results: The patients’ transshipment regulation rate with CT-Guided localization increased from 92.7% to 100% after the QCC. Conclusion: The implementation of quality control activities can improve the transfer rate of preoperative CT-guided localization, ensure the safety of patients and improve the quality of nursing.
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