Application of continuous improvement of quality in training of non - endocrine nurse 's diabetes mellitus
中文关键词:  质量持续改进 非内分泌科护士 糖尿病知识 培训
英文关键词:continuous improvement of quality non - endocrine nurse  knowledge of diabetes  training
王莉盈 上海市徐汇区中心医院 liying090101@qq.com 
徐兰平* 上海市徐汇区中心医院 xlp3177@sina.com 
李海英 上海市徐汇区中心医院  
王轶 上海市徐汇区中心医院  
王翌婷 上海市徐汇区中心医院  
施晓红 上海市徐汇区中心医院  
施琳琳 上海市徐汇区中心医院  
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      摘要 目的:评价质量持续改进PDCA模式对非内分泌科护士糖尿病专科知识培训的效果 方法:遵循质量持续改进PDCA循环理念的全面质量管理方法。2016年1月至2016年12月对我院糖尿病联络员54名进行糖尿病理论和技能系统化的培训每月一次共6次,组织培训前评估及阶段性考核及质量督查,对存在问题再培训,再考核的质量管理模式。采用自身前后对照的方法,比较糖尿病理论知识、专科技能、健康教育患者满意度、糖尿病专科质量控制等指标。结果: 专科理论知识:干预前49.95±9.98干预后80.11±9.14,;专科技能:血糖检测干预前87.88±6.33干预后94.24±3.82、胰岛素注射干预前81.15±4.93干预后90.20±6.13;健康教育满意度干预前63.23±8.21干预后87.39±5.06;糖尿病专科质量督查:血糖仪质控干预前87.00±5.15干预后 94.61±4.26、血糖检测规范记录干预前90.40±9.57干预后96.32±6.21;胰岛素保存干预前75.26±4.23干预后98.96±2.17、降糖药发放正确率(发放时间服用方法)干预前79.12±6.21干预后97.76±3.22。以上比较干预前后均有显著性差异。结论: 通过对非内分泌科护士糖尿病专科知识的评估、培训、考核,再培训,再考核的质量持续改进的阶梯性上升的质量管理方法,非内分泌科护士的糖尿病专科知识、技能有显著的提高显著,患者健康教育满意度提升,非内分泌科糖尿病专科质量提高。
      Objective: to evaluate the effect of continuous improvement of PDCA mode on the training of diabetes specialist in non-endocrine nurses Methods: To follow the continuous quality improvement of PDCA cycle concept of total quality management methods. Between January 2016 and December 2016, to make diabetes systematic theory and skills training of the our hospital 54 diabetes liaisons once a month, a total of 6 times, organize pre-training assessment、stage assessment and quality supervision,?retrain the existing problems, and review the quality management mode. Using self before and after the comparised methods,compared with the theoretical knowledge of diabetes, specialist skills, health education, patient satisfaction, diabetes specialist quality control and other indicators. Results the theoretical knowledge of the subject: before treatment 49.95 ± 9.98 80.11 ± 9.14 after intervention, specialist skills: 87.88 ± 6.33 before intervention of blood glucose 94.24 ± 3.82 after intervention, 81.15 ± 4.93 after insulin intervention 90.20 ± 6.13 after intervention, health education satisfaction 63.23 ± 8.21 after intervention, 87.39 ± 5.06 after intervention, 47.00 ± 5.15 before the control of diabetes mellitus, 96.61 ± 4.26 after the intervention, 90.40 ± 9.57 before the intervention, and 96.32 ± 6.21 after intervention. Insulin preservation intervention Before the 75.26 ± 4.23 98.96 ± 2.17 after the intervention, the correct rate of hypoglycemic agents (before taking time to take the method) before the intervention 79.12 ± 6.21 after the intervention 97.76 ± 3.22. There were significant differences between the two groups before and after the intervention. Conclusion: based on the assessment of endocrinology diabetes nurse specialist knowledge, training, assessment, and training, and assessment of the quality of the continuous improvement of step - up rising quality management method, non endocrinology nurse diabetes specialist knowledge, skills, a significant increase significantly, satisfaction of health education in patients with non endocrinologist diabetes specialist quality improvement.
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