ACT therapy application in coping strategies and mental flexibility in patients with liver cirrhosis. li yanling, Jin xiaowen, Xiong Jin, Lu Ying, Li Pin, Xu Yulan, Division of Gastroenterology ;Union hospital;Tongji Medical College;Huazhong university of science and technology; hubei wuhan 430022)
中文关键词:  ACT疗法  肝硬化  应对方式  心灵灵活性  免疫功能
英文关键词:ACT  therapy, liver  cirrhosis, coping  strategies, mental  flexibility, immunity  level
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      目的 探讨ACT疗法在改善肝硬化腹水住院患者心理灵活性中的运用。方法 选取2017年5月-2017年8月我院消化内科入院的96例肝硬化腹水住院患者为对照组,对照组患者接受常规治疗、护理及出院指导和随访。选取2017年9月-2017年12月我院消化内科入院的89例肝硬化腹水住院患者为实验组,在对照组基础上,由ACT治疗小组实施ACT疗法。干预前及干预后填写调查问卷,比较两组患者心理灵活性、焦虑抑郁水平、免疫功能的水平。结果 实验组心理灵活性、免疫功能评分均高于对照组(P<0.05),焦虑抑郁水平低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论: 在住院患者心理健康教育中运用ACT疗法能提高患者心理灵活性、缓解焦虑抑郁、提升患者免疫功能。
      ACT therapy application in mental flexibility of patients suffered from Liver Cirrhosis ascites . li yanling, Jin xiaowen, Xiong Jin, Lu Ying, Li Pin, Xu Yulan, Division of Gastroenterology ;Union hospital;Tongji Medical College;Huazhong university of science and technology; hubei wuhan 430022) Abstract:Objective Study ACT therapy application in mental health education in patients suffered from Liver Cirrhosis ascites .Methods From may 2017 to December 2017, 120 hospitalized patients with liver cirrhosis were randomly divided into experimental group (n=60) and control group (n=60). Patients in experimental group were given ACT therapy based on the control group while patients in the control group only received received routine treatment, nursing and discharge guidance and follow-up.. we recorded and compared mental flexibility、immunity level and anxiety and depression in the two groups of patients. Results Scores on chronic disease in the experimental group were higher than those in the control group as well as compared mental flexibility、immunity level (P<0.05). and the anxiety and depression is on the contrary.Conclusion Applying ACT therapy in mental health education helps relieving the depression of hospitalized patients with liver cirrhosis and improves their mental flexibility、realease anxiety and depression、improve immunity level . Key words: ACT therapy, liver cirrhosis, mental flexibility, immunity level
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