中文关键词:  维持性血液透析患者  高磷血症  品管圈
英文关键词:Maintenance hemodialysis patients  Hyperphosphatemia  Quality control circle
朱珺 仁济医院 zhuzhu3514@163.com 
方妮娜 仁济医院  
章海芬* 仁济医院 haifenzhang@163.com 
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      摘要:目的 探讨品管圈活动降低维持性血液透析患者高磷血症的作用。方法 2017年7月起,成立品管圈的磷管理活动小组,对本科158位患者进行了调查,分析导致高磷血症的主要原因,拟定对策,按品管圈活动程序实施对策干预和效果确认,对比磷管理活动前后MHD患者血磷的变化;对比MHD患者的磷知识水平活动前后的变化;对比圈员磷管理活动前后能力的变化。结果 开展磷管理活动后,本科维持性血液透析患者的血磷指标≥1.78mmol/L的患者从53.80%降低到41.77%,血磷指标<1.78mmol/L的患者从46.20%升高到58.23%,达到了预定的目标。开展品管圈活动前后,差异具有统计学意义(X2=4.57,P=0.032,0.01<P<0.05)。MHD患者的磷知识水平有了大幅提升。品管圈成员与患者沟通协调能力增强,品管手法有了明显的提高。结论 开展品管圈活动有效的降低了高磷血症的发生率,同时提高了护理人员的综合素质,为今后品管圈的再次活动奠定了基础。
      Abstract: Objective To investigate the effect of quality control circle activity on hyperphosphatemia in maintenance hemodialysis patients. Methods Since July 2017, set up quality control circle of phosphorus group management activity, for bachelor degree were investigated 158 patients, analysis of the leading causes of hyperphosphatemia, proposed countermeasures, according to the quality management circle activity program implementation countermeasure effect of intervention and confirmation, comparing the change of phosphorus management activities before and after MHD patients blood phosphorus;The changes of phosphorus knowledge level in MHD patients before and after activities were compared.Compare the change of competence before and after phosphorus management activities. Results After carrying out phosphorus management activities, the blood phosphorus index of undergraduate maintenance hemodialysis patients with a blood phosphorus index of 1.78mmol/L decreased from 53.80% to 41.77%, and the blood phosphorus index of patients with a blood phosphorus index of 1.78mmol/L increased from 46.20% to 58.23%, reaching the preset target.Before and after quality control circle activities were carried out, the difference was statistically significant (X2=4.57, P=0.032,0.01 < P < 0.05).The phosphorus knowledge level of MHD patients has been greatly improved.The communication and coordination ability of quality control circle members and patients has been enhanced, and the quality control techniques have been significantly improved. Conclusion The activities of quality control circle have effectively reduced the incidence of hyperphosphatemia, improved the comprehensive quality of nursing staff, and laid a foundation for the re-activities of quality control circle in the future.
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