韩英,陈红.HIV 感染者/艾滋病患者自我管理量表的汉化及条目评价[J].上海护理,2019,19(7):
HIV 感染者/艾滋病患者自我管理量表的汉化及条目评价
Localization of the people living with HIV/AIDS self-management scale and item evaluationHan Ying1 Chen hong2*
中文关键词:  HIV感染者/艾滋病患者  自我管理  信度  效度
英文关键词:people living with HIV/AIDS  self-management  reliability  validity
韩英* 四川大学华西医院临床技能中心 935815153@qq.com 
陈红 四川大学华西医院  
摘要点击次数: 2267
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      目的 对HIV感染者/AIDS患者自我管理量表(the HIV Self-Management Scale,HIVSMS)进行汉化并评价其信效度。方法 征得源作者同意后,采用翻译、综合、回译、专家咨询、预测试等步骤对HIVSMS进行汉化。对成都和上海296例HIV感染者/AIDS患者进行调查,运用SPSS22.0对中文版HIVSMS进行信效度分析。结果 中文版HIVSMS的平均内容效度指数为0.957,各条目的内容效度指数为0.769~1.000。中文版HIVSMS总的Cronbach's a系数为0.918,各维度的Cronbach's a系数范围为0.820~0.959,该量表总的重测信度为0.965。探索性因子分析得到3个公因子累计方差贡献率为72.264%。结论 中文版HIVSMS具有较好的信度和效度,可以作为我国HIV感染者/AIDS患者自我管理能力的评估工具。
      Objection To translate the Chinese version of the HIV Self-Management Scale (HIVSMS)into Chinese,and to test the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of HIVSMS. Methods The HIVSMS was developed into Chinese through translation, synthesis, back translation, expert committee review and pretesting. the reliability and validity of the Chinese version of the HIVSMS were tested in 296 people living with HIV/AIDS in Chengdu and Shanghai. Results The scale content validity index was 0.957 of the Chinese HIVSMS, and the item content validity index ranged from 0.769 to 1.000.The Cronbach's alpha coefficient was 0.918 and for each dimension range from 0820 to 0.959. The test-retest reliability coefficient of this study was 0.965. Factor analysis got three factors , which could explain 72.264% of the total variance. Conclusion The Chinese version of HIVSMS is reliable and valid and can be used as an effective tool for assessing the people living with HIV/AIDS in China.
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