The relationships among clinical learning environment, self-compassion and empathy in nursing interns
中文关键词:  共情  临床学习环境  自我同情  教育,护理  临床实习
英文关键词:Education, nursing  Clinical  Internship  Environment  Empathy  Self?compassion
基金项目:2021年上海交通大学护理学院应用型本科试点专业建设教学项目-本科毕业设计基金,编号:HLBKBSJJ 21-11
屈方格 上海交通大学护理学院 840004836@sjtu.edu.cn 
胡静超* 上海交通大学护理学院 hujc1126@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 1022
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      目的 了解护理实习生共情能力、临床学习环境与自我同情现状,探讨护理实习生临床学习环境、自我同情与共情能力相关性。方法 采用便利抽样方法于2021年9月选取国内四所院校437名护理实习生为研究对象,以一般资料调查表、杰弗逊共情量表护生版、临床实习环境监督量表和自我同情量表为调查工具。 结果 护理实习生共情能力得分为(85.91±10.44)分,临床学习环境得分为(135.53±18.95)分,自我同情得分为(76.90±9.24)分。护理实习生的临床学习环境、自我同情与共情能力之间均呈显著相关(P<0.01)。学历、直系亲属有无医务工作者、带教形式、科室的教学氛围、过度沉迷和自我评判为护理实习生共情能力的主要影响因素,可解释总变异的23.6%。结论 护理实习生共情能力水平处于中等水平,护理管理者和教育者可以基于实习生的背景如学历、直系亲属有无医务工作者、带教形式等进行个性化共情教育,从外部因素和个人因素两方面,改善护理实习生临床学习环境并提升其自我同情能力,进而提高护理实习生共情能力。
      Objective To understand the status quo of empathy, clinical learning environment and self ?compassion of nursing interns, and to explore the correlation among clinical learning environment, self?compassion and empathy in nursing interns. Methods In September 2021, 437 nursing interns from 4 universities in China were selected by convenience sampling. Relevant data were collected using the General Information Questionnaire, Jefferson Scale of Empathy (for nursing students), Clinical Learning Environment and Supervision Scale and Self ? compassion Scale, and then analyzed by univariate and multivariate analyses. Results The scores of empathy, clinical learning environment and self?compassion of nursing interns were (85.91±10.44), (135.53±18.95) and (76.90±9.24) points, respectively. The clinical learning environment, self?compassion and empathy of nursing interns were significantly positively correlated (r=0.250, P<0.01; r=0.313, P<0.01). Education background, presence or absence of healthcare providers among immediate family members, teaching form, teaching atmosphere in departments, excessive indulgence and self?judgment were the main influencing factors of empathy of nursing interns, which can explain 23.6% of the total variation. Conclusion The investigated nursing interns have moderate empathy. Nursing administrators and educators can carry out individualized empathy education based on the background of interns, and improve their clinical learning environment and self-compassion from both external and personal factors, so as to improve their empathy.
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