中文关键词:  机械通气  护士  患者  感知  
英文关键词::Mechanical ventilation  Patient  Nurse  Perception  
郭健楠* 上海市第一人民医院 ffy_0@live.cn 
摘要点击次数: 1701
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      [目的]:比较患者和护士间对不适感的差异。[方法]:于2008年2月~12月,对上海市第一人民医院有护理机械通气患者经历的60名护士及在该院接受机械通气治疗的患者200名,采用自制调查问卷进行调查。 [结果]:患者感觉吸痰、口干口渴、活动受限、沟通障碍、留置气管导管引起的不适最重,而护士认为吸痰、呼吸机不合、口干口渴、ICU内没有家人陪伴引起的不适较重。病人和护士对沟通障碍、留置气管导管、呼吸机不合、活动受限、口干口渴所致不适的感知差异有统计学意义( P < 0.01),护士的感知较病人为重。[结论]:护士与病人对机械通气不适感有差异性,可影响护士对不适的评估和护理;临床护士应准确地把握病人的不适,以便提供有效的护理。
      [objective]:The aim of the study was to compare the discomfort perception differences between patients and nurses towards mechanical ventilation. [Method]: 200 mechanically ventilated Patients and 60 nurses were investigated from Feb.2008 to Dem.2008 in the first hospital of shang hai .[Results]: the severest discomfort in patients undergoing mechanical ventilation was caused by sputum suction ,dry mouth and hydrodipsia,the limitation of motion, communication disorder, intubation and suction related pain . However , nurses who were investigated thought the severer discomfort of them was caused by sputum suction ,non-synchronization between breathing machines and patients,dry mouth and hydrodipsia,lacking of the family support. There was statistical difference between the perception of patient s and nurses towards communication disorder, intubation and suction related pain , non-synchronization between breathing machines and patients, the limitation of motion ,dry mouth and hydrodipsia ( P <0. 01) . Moreover , the perception of nurses was more severe. [Conclusion]:the incon gruence of perception between nurses and patients may affect both evaluation and nursing care of discomfort of nurses. Nurses should concisely know the discomforts of patients and provide an effective care for her patients.
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