The effect of many study group involved cases chased of nursing rounds
中文关键词:  多个学组  个案追踪法  护理教学查房  综合素质  满意度  影响
英文关键词:many study group  Case tracking method  Nursing teaching rounds  Comprehensive quality  Satisfaction  Influence
朱小敏 南京军区南京总医院神经内科 江苏 南京 210002 zhuxiaomin0416@163.com 
汪子玲 南京军区南京总医院神经内科 江苏 南京 210002  
马飞飞 南京军区南京总医院  
苗燕兰 南京军区南京总医院神经内科 江苏 南京 210002  
刘亚红* 南京军区南京总医院神经内科 江苏 南京 210002 zhuxiaomin0416@163.com 
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      【】目的 探讨全院15个学组共同参与的护理教学查房对查房效果的影响。方法 我院自2013年1月份开始每月组织1次由15个学组共同参与的全院个案追踪护理教学查房,经过12个月的试行后,我们将这种护理教学查房与以往的全院护理教学查房进行效果比较。包括对护士对教学查房的满意度、病人及家属对护理服务的满意度以及护理安全管理三方面。结果 实行全院多个学组共同参与的个案追踪护理教学查房后护士对教学查房的满意度、病人及家属对护理服务的满意度以及护理安全管理均较2012年传统的查房形式明显提高(P<0.05)。结论 改进后的个案追踪护理教学查房形式,能有效提高护士综合素质、提高病人及家属对护理工作的满意度、对护理安全防范起到积极作用,保障患者安全,提高查房效果。
      【】Objective: To investigate the effect of case chased nursing rounds with 15 study group involved all around the hospital. Methods: Since Jan 2013, case chased nursing rounds per month were carried out by 15 study group all around the hospital. After 12 months pilot run, we compared the quantitative effect include the increment of overall quality of nurses, the satisfaction reached by patients’ family and increment of secure management with previous regular teaching rounds.Results: All of the three effects mentioned above measured with quantitative scale significantly elevated in the current form of case chased nursing rounds, respectively. Conclusion: Upgraded forms of case chased nursing rounds play an active role to elevate the overall quality of nurses, satisfy patients and their families and improve secure management.
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