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中文关键词:  肺癌  化疗  焦点解决模式  护理
英文关键词:Lung cancer, Chemotherapy, Solution-focused supervision, Psychological care
侯黎莉 同济大学附属上海市肺科医院 houlili1977@hotmail.com 
李玉梅* 同济大学附属上海市肺科医院 liyumei7@163.com 
张贵芬 同济大学附属上海市肺科医院  
黄瑛 同济大学附属上海市肺科医院  
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      目的 探讨应用聚焦解决(SFS)模式对肺癌患者在化疗期间的心理状况进行护理干预的研究效果。方法 选择2014年4月至2015年1月,经病理组织学确诊为Ⅲ和Ⅳ期肺癌并在我院肿瘤科住院首次接受化疗的患者120例,采用方便抽样法根据单、双号病房分为干预组(60例)和对照组(60例),在知情同意基础上,给予对照组按化疗护理常规进行护理,并每日落实常规心理护理;干预组在化疗护理常规基础上,应用SFS模式每日2次进行一对一心理护理干预。结果 两组患者在化疗后出院当日测评焦虑自评量表(SAS)和抑郁自评量表(SDS),得分情况均较前减少,且干预组优于对照组(P<0.05)。干预组的自我效能感明显优于对照组(P<0.05)。两组患者在出院当日测得的对化疗相关知识掌握的得分均较入院时有所提高,且干预组明显优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论 采用SFS模式对肺癌首次化疗患者进行心理护理干预,能明显改善患者的心理状况,提升自我效能感,并增加患者化疗依从性。
      Objective: To evaluate the effects on the Solution-focused supervision (SFS) for lung cancer patients with chemotherapy. Method: Method: Total number of 120 lung cancer patients with chemotherapy were divided to group A (standardized chemotherapy care group, n=60) and Group B (SFS group, n=60) randomly. Zung’s self-rating depression scale (SDS), self-rating Anxiety scale (SAS), and General Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES) as well as self-designed questionnaire of knowledge of chemotherapy were applied in this study. SPSS 17.0 software package was utilized for analysis. Results: There was a statistically significant difference between two groups in SDS and SAS values when the patients finished intervention (48.23±3.85 vs. 43.65±4.18, 52.56±4.85 vs. 47.55±5.62, p=0.000). Furthermore, There was a significant difference in GSES between two groups (24.38±5.42 vs. 25.72±5.65, 24.85±5.04 vs. 28.06±3.42 p=0.000). At the same time, scores of knowledge about chemotherapy increased compared before, which showed significant differences (45.74±4.32 vs. 50.62±4.26 , 45.12±5.18 vs. 58.06±3.73, p=0.000). Conclusion: It is clear that lung cancer patients, who were provided by the SFS, improve psychological status, increase their self-efficiency as well as the knowledge and awareness of chemotherapy so as to improve the quality of life.
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