中文关键词:  品管圈  继续教育  护理
英文关键词:QCC  continuing education  nursing
杨如美 上海瑞金医院卢湾分院 yangrumei2006@aliyun.com 
徐寅 上海瑞金医院卢湾分院  
龚蕴珍* 上海瑞金医院卢湾分院  
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      目的 通过开展品管圈活动提高二级医院护士继续教育成效。方法 选择我区二级医院中的部分护士成立品管圈小组,确立“提高二级医院护士继续教育参与成效”的主题,对活动前继续教育成效较差的原因进行分析,通过树立正确观念;建立健全科学的管理制度;拓宽继续教育活动的形式和领域;完善考评体系等加强护理继续教育管理,并对活动前后护理人员对继续教育的认识程度、参与继续教育的出勤率、考试优秀率、培训课程质量等内容进行对比研究。结果 实施品管圈活动后,护理人员对护理继续教育的认知、参与情况以及考试优秀率、培训课程质量等都得到了大大的提高,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 开展品管圈活动能有效提高护士参加继续教育的效果,提高专业水平,激发护理人员参与继续教育的热情。
      Objective Improving the effectiveness of continuing education of nurses in two grade hospitals by carrying out quality control circle activities. Methods Some nurses of two level hospital in our region in the QCC group was set up. To establish the theme of "improving the effectiveness of continuing education for nurses in two level hospital",for before the event of poor performance analysis of the causes of continuing education, by establishing a proper perspective; establish and improve the scientific management system; widen continuing education activities forms and fields; perfect evaluation system, and to strengthen the management of nursing continuing education, and nurses know the extent of continuing education, participation in continuing education attendance, exam excellent rate, the quality of training courses and other content were compared before and after activities. Results After the implementation of quality control circles, cognitive nurses nursing continuing education, participation and exam excellent rate, so the quality of the training courses has been greatly improved, the differences were statistically significant (P <0.05). Conclusion Carry QCC can effectively improve the effect of nurses participate in continuing education, improve the professional level, to stimulate the enthusiasm to participate in continuing education of nurses.
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