张蓉蓉,顾斐斐,徐燕,Hsu Lily Lihwa.全球健康理念与课程的兴起与发展[J].上海护理,2017,17(5):
中文关键词:  全球健康 热带医学 国际卫生 理念 课程
英文关键词:Global Health, Tropical Medicine, International Health, concept, course
张蓉蓉 上海杉达学院 summer_2006q@163.com;summer_2006q@hotmail.com 
顾斐斐 上海杉达学院  
徐燕 上海杉达学院  
Hsu Lily Lihwa* Project HOPE 基金会 lilyhsu@projecthope.org.cn 
摘要点击次数: 2312
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      全球健康是目前医学、护理学界及公共卫生学界非常重视的发展方向,更由于过去数年期间所发生的跨国界的传染病,如爱滋病、非典型肺炎、禽流感、埃博拉病毒传染等疾病在国际间的流行后,全球健康(Global Health)的呼吁与实践迅速的受到重视。全球健康的领域包括传染及非传染疾病的筛查、预防及治疗。随着中国在全球健康领域中承担越来越重要的责任,国家对于相应领域的人才需求日益迫切,学生们在学习健康知识之际,也需要建立健康的全球视野,因应时代的要求,理解不同的疾病对全球人们健康及大环境的影响。本文通过对国内外相关文件的检索,介绍全球健康理念的起源与发展,并且针对全球健康课程在国内外的设立、改进与发展趋势进行比较,以期为本校建立全球健康相关课程,协助学生深入的认识全球健康的挑战与机遇。
      : Global health is an important subject among medicine, nursing, and public health disciplinary. Due to the Epidemic diseases, such as SARS, H1N1 flue, Ebola, AIDS spread over the countries, the demand of Global Health knowledge, professionals and courses are increasing. As China is taking more and more responsibilities in Global Health issues, the demand of related professionals is increasing. The concept of Global Health began in the United States. The education and training in this field also started in that country. Consequently, the curriculum design, syllabus planning and course implementation have been developed well in the United States. On the other hand, Global Health in China is relatively a new concept. Few higher education institutions began to build Global Health research centers, and to implement Global Health programs. Based on the literature review on related studies, this article synthesized and analyzed the inception of Global Health concept and the trend of Global Health education mainly in developed countries which aims to give some thoughts of how the Global Health course could be developed and benefit the students in the university.
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