中文关键词:  男护士 工作优劣势 质性研究
英文关键词:Male nurse Superiorities and disadvantages in work Qualitative research
勾桢楠 复旦大学附属肿瘤医院护理部 381752802@qq.com 
陈雅琼* 复旦大学附属肿瘤医院护理部  
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      【】 目的 探讨男护士在护士这一职业中的优势与劣势,为男性是否适合从事护理行业提供一些依据。 方法 采用质性研究中的现象学研究法对上海7所医院中的12名男护士,7名女护士进行半结构式深度访谈,通过对访谈结果进行类属分析,得出男护士的主要优势与劣势。 结果 男护士的优势主要集中在体力、性格以及动手能力这3个方面。而劣势则集中在粗心以及性别这2方面。 结论 男性从事护理工作的优势较劣势更为明显,社会大众应该改变固有的旧观念并且积极的接纳、肯定男护士这一群体的存在。同时,学校也应该加强与重视男护士的培养,为护理行业输送新鲜血液。
      【】Objective To explore the superiorities and disadvantages of male nurses in order to provide some evidence for whether male are suitable .Methods A qualitative research based on phenomenology was adopted .Twelve male nurses and 7 female nurses from seven different hospitals in Shanghai were enrolled and received semi-structured interview .Generic analysis was used to identify the main aspects of the superiorities and disadvantages of male nurses in work.Results The main superiorities of male nurses include 3 categories : Physical Strength , Personality and Ability of operation ;disadvantages include 2 categories: Carelessness and gender . Conclusion In contract to disadvantages , the superiorities for male to join the nursing field is more obvious . The society should change their old concepts. And they should also welcome the existence of male nurses. Meanwhile, schools also ought to strengthen and highlight the education of male nurses to transfer more male nurses to the nursing field.
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