中文关键词:  慢重症  平衡锻炼  平衡功能  步行能力
李冬芬* 佛山市南海区第四人民医院 lidongfen12@126.com 
孔燕婷 佛山市南海区第四人民医院  
梁进丽 佛山市南海区第四人民医院  
陆志英 佛山市南海区第四人民医院  
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      目的:探讨平衡功能训练对(Chronically Critical Ill,CCI)康复期患者下肢平衡及运动功能的临床改善作用。方法 将2014年1月~2015年12月在我院重症监护室住院治疗的CCI患者随机分为对照组和观察组,采用常规康复治疗方案对对照组进行干预,在常规干预的基础上结合平衡功能训练对观察组进行干预,比较两组在干预前及干预第3、6、9、12天的博格平衡功能(Berg balance scale,BBS)、起身行走能力(Timed get up and go test,TUGT)、最大步行速度(Maximum walking speed,MWS)及下肢步行功能(Functional ambulation category scale,FAC)。结果 观察组在干预第3、6、9、12天的BBS、TUGT、及MWS均明显优于对照组,差异具有统计学意义(P<0.05),重复测量方差分析显示,上述指标在不同时间的组内效应、时间效应和交互效应均具有统计学意义(P<0.001);两组在干预第3及6天的FAC分级差异具有统计学意义(P<0.001)。结论 通过实施平衡功能训练有利于促进慢重症康复期患者的平衡及步行功能的恢复,缩短临床康复进程。
      Objective: to discuss the clinical improvement effect of balance function training on lower limbs balance function and motor function of CCI (chronically critical ill) patients in convalescence. Method: CCI patients hospitalized and treated in ICU of our hospital from January 2014 to December 2015 were divided into the control group and the observation group randomly. The control group adopted routine convalescence therapeutic schedule for intervention, while the observation group adopted the combination of balance function training and routine intervention. Berg balance scales (BBS), timed get up and go test (TUGT) results, maximum walking speed (MWS) and functional ambulation category scales (FAC) before intervention and on the 3<sub>rd</sub>, 6<sub>th</sub>, 9<sub>th</sub>, and 12<sub>th</sub> days after intervention of the two groups were compared. Result: BBS, TUGT and MWS on the 3<sub>rd</sub>, 6<sub>th</sub>, 9<sub>th</sub>, and 12<sub>th</sub> days after intervention of the observation group were evidently superior to those of the control group. The differences were of statistic significance (P<0.05). As indicated by the repeated measurement variance analysis, the inter-group effect, time effect and interaction effect of the above indexes at different time were of statistic significance (P<0.001). The FAC differences of the two groups on the 3<sub>rd</sub> day and 6<sub>th</sub> day after intervention were of statistic significance (P<0.001). Conclusion: the balance function training helps accelerate the recovery of balance function and walking function of CCI patients in convalescence as well as the clinical convalescence progress.#$NLKeywords: Chronically severe ill; Balance exercise; Balance function; Walking capability
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