Analysis of the current situation of the practice environment and physical and mental health of the outpatient nurses
中文关键词:  门诊护士  执业环境  身心健康  分析
英文关键词:outpatient nurses  practicing environment  physical and mental health  analysis
张新萍 复旦大学附属中山医院 zhang.xinping@zs-hospital.sh.cn 
秦薇* 复旦大学附属中山医院 qin.wei@zs-hospital.sh.cn 
摘要点击次数: 2029
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      目的 调查门诊护士执业环境及身心健康现状,为改善护士执业环境,提高护士身心健康提供依据。方法 采用《护士执业环境测评量表》、《症状自评量表SCL-90》,对上海4家三级甲等综合医院168名门诊护士进行问卷调查。结果 回收有效问卷168份,4家医院执业环境得分较高的维度优质护理服务的基础、护理管理者的能力、领导力及支持、医护合作。得分较低的维度护士参与医院事务。有一家医院各维度得分均低于其它3家医院。4家医院门诊护士SCL-90得分,各因子分和阳性项目数显著高于国内常模(P <0.05或P<0.O1)。结论 改善护士执业环境及身心健康重点在于护理管理者给予门诊护士更多参与医院行政管理的机会,采取更多有效措施,缓解工作压力,提高身心健康,营造健康的护理工作环境。
      Objective To investigate the status of the practice environment and physical and mental health of the outpatient nurses, and to provide the basis for improving the practice environment of nurses and improving the physical and mental health of nurses. Methods a questionnaire survey was conducted among 168 outpatient nurses in 4 three class a general hospitals in Shanghai, using the nurse practice environment scale and symptom checklist SCL-90. Results a total of 168 valid questionnaires were retrieved, 4 hospitals had higher scores in the practice environment, the basis of high-quality nursing service, the ability of nursing managers, leadership and support, cooperation between doctors and nurses. The lower score nurses participated in the hospital affairs. The scores of one hospital in all dimensions were lower than those of the other 3 hospitals. The scores of SCL-90 in 4 hospital outpatient nurses, the number of factor scores and the number of positive items were significantly higher than those of the domestic norm (P <0.05 or P<0.O1). Conclusion the key to improve nurses' practice environment and physical and mental health is that nursing managers give outpatient nurses more opportunities to participate in hospital administration, and take more effective measures to relieve work pressure, improve physical and mental health, and create a healthy nursing environment.
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