马轶美,褚珺.芒硝外敷联合小切口挂环引流治疗新生儿皮下脓肿的护理马轶美 褚珺 李倩 薛峰[J].上海护理,2019,19(S1):
芒硝外敷联合小切口挂环引流治疗新生儿皮下脓肿的护理马轶美 褚珺 李倩 薛峰
Treatment of neonatal subcutaneous abscess with external application of mirabilite and incision and loop drainage
中文关键词:  芒硝  小切口挂环引流  新生儿  皮下脓肿  护理
英文关键词:mirabilite  incision and loop drainage  neonatal  subcutaneous abscess  nursing care
马轶美 上海交通大学医学院附属上海儿童医学中心 mayimei@sina.com 
褚珺* 上海交通大学医学院附属上海儿童医学中心 chujun@scmc.com.cn 
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      【】 目的 总结芒硝局部外敷联合小切口挂环引流法在治疗新生儿皮下脓肿的护理经验。方法 脓肿形成初期采用自制芒硝袋行局部持续外敷,待脓肿出现明显波动感在脓肿边缘行小切口挂环引流,持续引流直至脓肿完全消退;同时联合敏感抗生素全身治疗。结果 患儿在芒硝外敷3天后炎症局限肿胀明显消退,局部出现明显波动感予行小切口挂环引流,持续引流5天后脓肿完全消退拔除引流环,脓肿治愈时间仅8天,疗效显著。结论 芒硝局部外敷联合小切口挂环引流法治疗新生儿皮下脓肿,不但疗程短、效果显著,且避免传统切开引流后的频繁换药,减轻患儿痛苦,护理更简单,花费更少,愈合后疤痕更小,值得在临床推广。
      Objective To summarize the nursing experience in treating neonatal subcutaneous abscess with external application of mirabilite and incision and loop drainage. Method External application of mirabilite package was used in the early stage of abscess formation. Antibiotics was also needed during the process. Result The reduction of swelling was obvious after three-day application of mirabilite. The method of incision and loop drainage was applied when local fluctuation occurred. The drainage was removed after five-day continuous drainage. The average cure time was 8 days. Conclusion The purpose of high efficiency of short treatment time was achieved with external application of mirabilite and incision and loop drainage. This method deserve to be popularized in clinic because it reduces the times of changing dressing for the wound which will reduce the cost of treatment and relieve the patient’s pain. It is easy to practice and leads to a smaller scar compared with traditional treatment.
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