The effects of implementing web-based training sub-specialized nursing care in intensive care unitWangMei-qing Tang Lihua Wu Aiping Jiang Yagen Dai Weijuan Yan Hanwen Sheng Jie
中文关键词:  网络;危重症  亚专科  护理
英文关键词:Web  Intensive care unit  Sub-specialization  Nursing
王美青 南通大学附属医院丹阳医院重症医学科 江苏丹阳 212300 xmxwzx1@163.com 
唐丽华 南通大学附属医院丹阳医院重症医学科 江苏丹阳 212300  
吴爱萍 南通大学附属医院丹阳医院重症医学科 江苏丹阳 212300  
蒋亚根 南通大学附属医院丹阳医院重症医学科 江苏丹阳 212300  
戴伟娟 南通大学附属医院丹阳医院重症医学科 江苏丹阳 212300  
颜汉文 南通大学附属医院丹阳医院重症医学科 江苏丹阳 212300  
盛洁* 南通大学附属医院丹阳医院重症医学科 江苏丹阳 212300 1065157975@qq.com 
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      【】目的 构建危重症亚专科护理的网络平台辅助培训模式并评价实践效果。方法 采用便利取样法选取30名重症监护室护士为研究对象,通过划分亚专科护理小组,开展网络平台辅助培训模式下的亚专科护理小组培训。在培训前后,由第三方考核护士的理论知识和实践技能水平,测量护士的核心能力及患者的满意度。结果 实施网络平台辅助培训模式下的危重症亚专科护理后,护士的理论知识水平、实践技能水平以及核心能力均提高,与实施前比较,差异有统计学意义(t=-4.17, P<0.01;t=-3.19, P<0.01; t= -11.58,P<0.01);患者的满意度提高,差异有统计学意义(t=-10.93, P<0.01) 。结论 网络平台辅助培训模式下的危重症亚专科护理可以提高护士的理论知识水平、实践技能水平、核心能力及患者满意度。
      【】Objective To develop the web-based training sub-specialized nursing care model in intensive care unit and evaluate its effects.Methods A convenience sample of 30 nurses from intensive care unit were recruited and divided into 5 sub-specialized nursing care groups to receive the web-based training. The level of theory, techniques and core competencies of nurses and the satisfaction of patients were measured before and after the training. Results Regarding the level of theory, techniques and core competencies of nurses, it showed a significant increase after the program(t=-4.17, P<0.01;t=-3.19, P<0.01; t= -11.58,P<0.01). As for the satisfaction of patients, a significance improvement (t=-10.93, P<0.01) was found after the training. Conclusions Implementing web-based training sub-specialized nursing care in intensive care unit can improve the level of theory, techniques and core competencies of nurses and the patient satisfaction.
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