Current status of mindfulness in renal transplant patients and analysis of influencing factors
中文关键词:  肾移植  正念水平  影响因素
英文关键词:kidney transplantation  Mindfulness level  Factors affecting
王孝月 山东毓璜顶医院 978048921@qq.com 
曲华* 山东毓璜顶医院 978048922@qq.com 
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      目的 了解肾移植患者正念水平的现状并探讨其影响因素。方法 采用便利抽样法,于2018年 4月—2019年 4月选取在我院进行术后随访的184 例肾移植患者,运用一般资料调查表、中文版五因素正念量表对患者进行调查。 采用 SPSS 22.0 运用多元线性回归对肾移植患者正念水平的影响因素进行分析。 结果 肾移植患者正念水平得分为(101.11±10.61)分。 多元线性回归分析提示:患者家庭关系、性格是影响患者正念水平的主要因素(P<0.05)。 结论 肾移植患者的正念水平有待改善,应特别注意家庭关系不融洽、性格偏内向的患者,针对其特点给予相应干预和支持,改善肾移植患者的正念水平。
      objective : to understand the status quo of mindfulness in renal transplant patients and explore its influencing factors.Methods: from April 2018 to April 2019, 184 cases of renal transplant patients who were followed up in our hospital after surgery were selected by convenience sampling method, and the patients were investigated by general data questionnaire and Chinese five-factor mindfulness scale.SPSS 22.0 was used to analyze the factors influencing the mindfulness level of renal transplant patients by multiple linear regression.Results: the mindfulness score of renal transplantation patients was (101.11 10.61).Multiple linear regression analysis suggested that family relationship and personality of patients were the main factors affecting their mindfulness level (P<0.05).Conclusion: the mindfulness level of renal transplant patients needs to be improved. We should pay special attention to the patients with poor family relationship and introverted personality, and give corresponding intervention and support according to their characteristics to improve the mindfulness level of renal transplant patients.
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